
Privacy, Explained.

We understand the legal bit can be boring and mundane, but we've summarised our data-usage purposes here in as plain-English as we can so it's easy for you to understand.

How do we protect your data?

In the spirit of transparency at all times within the business, BellProton handles client data with the utmost care and diligence, only keeping it for as long as is reasonably necessary to provide our services to you. Part of our obligation to data protection is erasing it when it's no longer needed, either to provide you with services, or for legal obligations we need to respect.

Proprietary Security

While we cannot disclose all security measures we implement, we would like to make sure you know that your personal information is in good hands, and is only stored within our own proprietary systems, along with third parties necessary for our service delivery, such as Stripe Payments, Google Accounts, BellProton FileStor™ etc.


Your Data

How we handle your data

When you initially make contact with us, either via web-form or over the telephone, we will collect personally-identifiable information from you which will be used for our internal purposes, including (but not limited to), query-handling and re-contact, fraud prevention, payment processing, internal marketing (where accepted), and processing out (not selling) to our approved third parties for the purposes of saving, disseminating, and later processing.

Reasonable retention-time

Part of how GDPR governs data processing, includes only holding personal data for as long as is reasonably necessary for business purpose, and erasing certain data types where they will no longer be necessary for our purposes. When you contact us to make a general enquiry, we will only hold your personal information for as long as is reasonably necessary to respond to you, once the chain has been closed and no other business branches have been formed, the information will be erased and will not be used to contact you again.

There are some exceptions to this however, such as complaint handling, financial compliance, legal representation, and reasonably governed archiving processes. We are required to keep financial records indefinitely to ensure we're meeting compliance obligations, and to resolve any legal queries in the future.

Your right to be forgotten

You can contact us at any time to make a formal information erasure request, and we are required to respond to this within 28 Days to confirm we have acknowledged and actioned your request, you will be provided with a panphlet of information on what data was held, what still needs to be held, and what we have erased as per your request.

Some information, such as financial records, must be kept in order to meet our financial transparency obligations, and we will inform you of any information that has been archived for such purposes.

Your right to know what information we're holding about you

You can contact us at anytime with a Subject Access Request, and we are legally required to respond within 28 Days with a panphlet of information that we're currently holding on file for you.

The only exception to this, is if we're currently engaged in a legal activity with you, or we have placed your data on a fraud-prevention hold to share with third party agencies that handle fraud prevention cases, you'll be made aware if this is the case, but we're not required to make any response in these cases.

Other useful privacy terms from our approved partners;

Our own infrastructure

We operate a series of proprietary security and data storage techniques for both backups, archiving, and general holding. While we cannot divulge further information about these systems, in the interest of transparency, if you have any concerns, please get in touch at - one of our friendly team will reach out to talk you through it.